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The Adult Advocacy Foundation is a foundation whose purpose is to promote further and support selected charitable activities and organizations that provide goods, services or funding for individuals who are in need of advocacy services.  To date, The Foundation has been able to fund advocacy serivces in a variety of manners such as providing funding for Guardian Advocacy services, Health Care Proxy services, Guardianship services and Elder Advocate services.

The Adult Advocacy Foundation is a National Foundation created out of the need for representation and advocacy for adults/individuals over the age of 18 rendered without any resource for such.  This Official National foundation focused on funding proper advocacy representation for adults that are without other resources is a multi functional dovetailed approach to span all levels and support for individuals rendered disabled and/or with special needs or in acute predicaments.  The foundation is focused on solving a growing national problem and improving the lives of the people served while educating those at risk for needing services and assisting them in executing the proper documents necessary therefore decreasing the future need.